
Lupus is a chronic, auto-immune disease in which the body's immune system forms antibodies that attack healthy tissues and organs. If left untreated, lupus can be serious and even life threatening. Here I share how I am using my artwork and learning music to navigate me towards a simple goal of daily peace~

Bright Bird

Bright Bird
scroll way down to view my Hawaiian photos and don't forget to feed the fish!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


   A new watercolor titled Meet Sophie was just mailed to Oregon. There it will be a surprise  from Cathy Little to her husband Rod. Cathy and I have reconnected on FB and are enjoying our newest friendship. She too is a lover of animals and life and after seeing my pet portraits that I relentlessly post here and on Face Book she asked me to do a painting of one of their favorite kattys, Sophie, a creamy Persian. When you first see her with her scrunchy face she looks angry or stuck up? But Cathy filled me in on the Sophie with in; a very sweet little tiny katty that was so gentle. She even found a bird and just cared for it in the yard never harming it until they could help it. She explained what a great picture it was how Rod, a big 6'2" and over 200lbs guy would carry this little 6 pound katty in his arms.
 While painting her from a small snapshot photo I got to sense this little one better.  It felt like she was right there helping me have her be seen. Sophie passed away a while back and left a very big hole in her owners lives.
So, Meet Sophie.....

This is a wash Watercolor style......
Nice to meet you Sophie!

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