
Lupus is a chronic, auto-immune disease in which the body's immune system forms antibodies that attack healthy tissues and organs. If left untreated, lupus can be serious and even life threatening. Here I share how I am using my artwork and learning music to navigate me towards a simple goal of daily peace~

Bright Bird

Bright Bird
scroll way down to view my Hawaiian photos and don't forget to feed the fish!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Too Wet To Sign

A common artist trait is to paint the same image over and over. Well, I am that kind of artist I guess. I paint mangoes over and over. Each painting is a progression going to who knows where.
But after I had painted an oil early spring 2011 I  retook the sold painting in order to varnish it, then I painted a watercolor of the same layout. This is a 'channeled' design, which means it is my own minds image. And if you don't quite get that then I don't think I can help you!
 I have done this before; painted an oil then did it again in watercolor. When I did this I donated the oil to the new Health Care Access building  in Lawrence and that painting hangs in the farthest corner in the deepest most lost room.
 ho hum
meet Eight Lucky Mangoes~~ oil.....

Too bad, it is a sweet little oil. I suggested they sell it at auction so it would have a home.
The watercolor then of the same image was the first painting with my new Holbein paints and I was so enjoying them. Amazing watercolors. That painting I let go to an old friend.
Rats.... really liked it more than I thought.....

The Mango oil titled Easy Pick'ns is now varnished and being returned to it's new home. Nice.

And this new watercolor is looking for a home, but I am enjoying it until it moves out.
Paintings are like our kids maybe..... precious but ....really they are their own energy.

I'll sign it tomorrow when it is dry......

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