Now that I have created this blog thing I am intimidated. I have never read a blog before. Actually I have never tweeted either. At one time I sent emails to my friends about my life in Hawai'i and they clamored for more stories. It was just daily stuff to me, but most have never lived on an island and it was interesting to them and my life can be especially bizarre. Such as my thieving friends Frank and Annie. Ah, we will get to them later.
So I am learning to set up the blog page and organize what I want on it and.... nothing. One little posting for days. After thinking about this blog block for several days my dear friend Ann Zeddies, a great science fiction writer, encouraged (panicked) me by saying she would send people to it. So the more people reading the blog then better the hope of actually providing useful lupus information to a person looking for it. I decided to focus on the first goal.
I think I like the dark one, the first, because it was sort of mysterious and enveloping. but it might be because thts what sticks in my brain now. The oils look great!